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Font Viewer

For viewing fonts, seeing how they would appear applied to your name/logo/tagline, and keeping track of which fonts best suit the job is the purpose of Opcion Font Viewer. Opcion allows you to view both installed and uninstalled fonts in different views depending on your needs. Written in Java, Opcion will work on all platforms that the Java Runtime Environment supports (which includes Windows, Mac, Solaris & Linux).

Opcion Font Viewer provdies a default view that allows you to view one font at a time, and a list view which allows you to view multiple fonts at a time. By clicking on fonts you like in the list view you are adding fonts to a faviourties list that Opcion keeps for you. The faviourites list can then be saved for future reference or used in finding out the file names of fonts you wish to install.


Opcion Font Viewer requires Java 1.4.0+ to run. If your system does not have Java installed, please visit www.java.com and download the latest Java runtime to ensure that Opcion Font Viewer runs without any problems. If you are unsure whether you have Java installed and are using Windows, the windows installer will check for you.



  • Viewing of installed/uninstalled fonts.
  • List view of installed/uninstalled fonts.
  • Adding/removing of favourite fonts.
  • Saving of favourite fonts.
  • Customizable sample/display text.
  • Customizable font size.
  • Customizable font properties (bold, italic, etc.) in sample text area.
  • Changeable fonts displayed per page in List View.


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